Fast Forward – an exercise on meaning

Duration: 15-20 minutes Fast Forward Exercise Intro: In Martin Seligman's most recent model of happiness, 'meaning' features as one of the five components of well-being, alongside positive emotion, accomplishment, relationships and engagement. So, why is meaning so important? Positive psychology research suggests that meaning performs two central functions in our lives. Firstly, it provides the …

5 Surprising Ways to Develop More Confidence

We all look for a little extra confidence when we’re trying to establish ourselves in our jobs, social life, or when we go out on a first date. Confidence affects our lives in many important ways. Confidence breeds success! Whatever your goal, you’re more likely to reach it if you believe in yourself. You’re more …

This is how you can improve your wellbeing: 5 steps to successful goals!

When it comes to goals and the motivation to achieve them, wellbeing research defines 2 types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. Broadly defined, this is about whether your motivation comes from internal reasons (driven by own interest and enjoyment) or external motives (money, competition, fear of punishment…). If you want to feel the benefits associated …